IP Development
Development of an idea into a product or business
Grooming a successful woman with intellectual mind is the consummate drive. With expertise and experience covering a variety of topics, idea, on creativity and innovation with IP that impact on peoples' lives 'women' leave their talks empowered and inspired with one motive "TO SUCCEED"
This is to empower women to contribute towards the country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) to that of men.

IP and Marketing
We believe in product development and marketing for promotion purposes. This is done through E-Commerce where women's products are promoted online to attract customers for their business growth.

We stand to Groom, a woman to be successful through the use of Intellectual Property knowledge .i.e. Creativity and Innovation. Interested in knowing more about Intellectual Property and Gender? Get in touch!
IP and Economic transformation
Intellectual Property brings about Economic development through IP and Gender Equality where women fully participate to the growth of the economy. This is done by women improving on their businesses through creativity

New idea development
Let grooming a successful woman with intellectual mind help you deliver great content that will have attendees ready to take action. They will generate impactful buzz, developmental ideas with a talk that will be completely customized for your innovations with the use Intellectual Property knowledge.